What is love? 

 What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind. Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. [Image]Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all. A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said ?Love all? Depending on context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But ?love? is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy. In the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it. Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars. Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship. Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect. Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. William Shakespeare.

To L.O.V.E a Man

  1. Accept that the partner provides the meaning in man's life
  2. Understand his dread of failure as a provider, protector, lover and parent
  3. Connect more through routine, fun activities, touch and sex
To L.O.V.E a Woman

  1. Acknowledge and appreciate her importance to you
  2. Make an effort to understand her
  3. Avoid controlling; protecting is fine
  4. Understand her fears - of harm, of your anger and of deprivation

Make Your Valentine's Day Special

1.Don't Forget Kindness and Thoughtfulness

We all get in a rush sometimes and forget to be kind. We just want to get the things done that we have to get done and move along to the next thing to be done.

Whether you are currently in an intimate relationship or not--take a moment to be kind to the people in your life. Kindness certainly doesn't have to mean "doing" for someone (but it can.)

It can mean just giving a smile, sending a kind, loving thought, or simply listening to a story that you may have heard many times before.

2.Don't Forget Appreciation

So often we find ourselves dwelling on what irritates us about the people in our lives and we forget to appreciate the things about our relationships that are working. Appreciation only works when you want nothing in return. If there are "strings" along with your appreciation of another person, (like you want appreciation in return) it will seem like an empty, needy gesture. Appreciation has to be expressed from your heart and in such a way that is

Even if you want to be appreciated back (we all do), start it off by telling someone in your life what you appreciate about them today.

3.Listen Closely to What Your Partner Wants

Whether it's to make plans for a Valentine's day celebration or just listening to how your partner's day went--leave your ego and your desire to help or "fix it" for him or her at the door and just listen.

We all get into habits that stifle communication--that shut off a true connection of the heart. To open up and bring more joy and ease into your relationship, take a moment to realize what you do to assume, to fix or to judge (even though you may not think you are doing those things) and just listen to understand your partner.

4.Listen Closely to What You Want

Listening closely to what you want can be even harder than learning to listen to your partner. So many people have learned along the way that it's not safe to feel emotions--and they simply don't know how to listen to what they want. You have to practice listening to the voice inside you so that you can be honest and authentic with the people in your life. You have to learn who you are and honor that by letting others know who the real "you" is.

5.If It's an Intimate Relationship, Don't Forget Time Alone

In our busy lives, we often forget to recharge by spending some time alone. Whether it's taking a walk outside by
yourself and enjoying nature or it's taking 20 minutes to meditate or tune in and calm your thoughts--we've found that we are much better people and treat each other more lovingly if we take time for ourselves.

6.Don't Forget to Breathe

It may seem kind of silly to remind you to not forget to breathe, but so many of us actually live in the land of anxious, shallow breathing. Belly breathing can relax you, help you to clear your mind and keep you in the present moment.

What's that got to do with creating great relationships? When we are relaxed, we listen better to others and we don't react quite so quickly from old patterns. We are able to access a fresh point of view when we breathe that can promote more understand and closer connections.

7.Don't Forget the "Show"

What's the "show"? The show is what we do to show the other person that he/she is special in our lives. It can be a greeting card, a present or creating a special night or weekend away. It can be elaborate or it can be simple--whatever the two of you prefer. The main thing is that you "show" the other person how special they are to you.

8.Don't Forget Discernment

The media likes to use hype and if you buy into what the mass media promotes as "the way Valentine's day should be," then you might be setting yourself up for disappointment after the big day comes and goes.

Remember, it's not about the money you spend, where (or if) you bought that special diamond necklace, or where you went for dinner. It's about the love that's underneath all of that.

9.Don't Forget to Be Present and Be Real

If you're like most people, you're usually either mentally thinking about what you have to do or are going to do in the future or thinking about what happened to you in the past. The present moments fly by without you really participating in them.

To be present and real means to be fully focusing on what's going on right here and right now. Great relationships are built on that idea and whether it's Valentine's day or not, it's a terrific practice to get into.

10.Don't Forget to Think Long-Term Love and Not Just Short-Term "Wow"

Whether it's a dating situation or long-term committed relationship or marriage, when you are thinking about a celebration of your love or of your relationship, keep in mind what would create and feed long-term love instead of going for the "wow" factor.

To know the difference, you have to keep showing each other how special you are to each other in every day--and not just this day because it's a day of "love and romance."

The real juice in keeping a relationship that is alive and growing is in what you do and say in every moment to each other.

Keep Your Love and Passion Alive

1. Be open to trying new things.

"For our marriage it is the openness to try different, new things. Go to new places, buy new things, try new activities. Just the willingness and the openness to do any of these things has a great power. Whether we continue them or not isn't the point its the trying it and being honest. It's showing trust in the other persons
ideas. We have found simple things like playing a computer game my husband truly enjoys but I have never tried. Going to a new place that I have gone but he hasn't."

2. Change things up and flirt with each other.

"After 12 years of marriage and 4 kids, my wife and I understand the need to 'work' to keep intimacy in our relationship. Truth be told, it is not work. We are both very good at doing the small things... sweet talk, gentle
touches throughout the day, demonstrate respect for each other. But we also look to change things up a bit. I
recently bought my wife a new cell phone with texting capabilities. I taught how to text and she almost immediately began texting me highly suggestive messages while I am at the office. By the end of the day, we have worked each other up mentally that we are really looking forward to see each other when I get home. Poor kids get sent to bed early A LOT recently."

3. Surprise your partner and communicate daily.

"One of the key things we do to keep our relationship alive is to make sure we can surprise each other. Surprises can take the form of presents of course, or simply an unexpected evening out, meal for two or even a gesture, a kind word here and there, a joke, a new way of looking at things, a new aspect to the relationship, a new activity together.

Otherwise, of course communication is key, and being open to listen to the others' concerns and feeling able to express one's own concerns is extremely important. We schedule time on a daily basis to see how the other person's day went, and also at the weekend to reflect over the week. When travelling, there are many forms of communication which can help to keep things alive, so we're thinking of each other: text messages, phone calls, e-mail."


1. Choosing a woman based on beauty alone:
This is the a common mistake committed by almost all men. True,it is difficult to look past the attractiveness. However, it is important to remember that in due course of time, beauty fades. Then it is the other factors like compatibility, intellectual ability etc. that matter. There surely has to be a proper blend if you don’t want to be caught with a bimbo for the rest of your life.

2. Do not try to be best friend:
It very rarely happens that, women get attracted to their best friends. A woman wouldn’t date a guy merely on the basis of how understanding he is. It is the degree of attraction that counts. So quit being so available for her, that she takes you for granted. Yes it is important that she feels comfortable in your company, but that does not mean she begins to treat you like one of her girlfriends.

3. Hot temper and violent behavior:
This can instantly scare off women. In fact, you should use this when you want to get rid of a clingy date. Actions like being rude to the waiter or cab driver or getting involved in unnecessary fights with random people is the signature of a narcissistic creep.

4. Sharing intimate details with her too soon:
You don’t need to tell her why you broke up with you ex-girlfriend on the first date. Neither do you have to tell her how much you are attracted to her. It is always good to go slow in relationships. As far as sharing intimate details are concerned, it should be done at a much later stage. This will not only build her interest in you, but she will also begin to look forward to trying to getting to know you.

5. Letting them take total control:
Women would naturally want to be with someone with who she can feel secure. Whatever happens don’t let her take total charge of any situation. Show it to her, that you are man enough to look after things. She will respect you and magnetically get attracted to you.

6. Being bossy and dominating:
Yes it is important to learn to take charge, however that does not mean that you go about dominating her all the time. Let her take her own decisions. Advice her only when you’re asked for it. Women hate to be bossed around. They look out for a man, with who they can be themselves. Hence, make sure you accept her just the way she is.

7. Being self-obsessed:
This can be a big turn-off for any woman.No matter how good looking, self-obsession is a trait of the unsecured. Habits like constantly being bothered about your looks, checking out your reflection even in a spoon, being a constant shopaholic, etc will give her the feeling that she is with one of her girlfriends.

8. Corny pick up lines:
This is another instant turn-off. Pick-up lines can be cute among lovers. However, when you are using them to try to get to know somebody they are a strict no-no. Most of the time they are ineffective. There are chances that she may pick the wrong signal, thus subtracting any chance you might have had with her. Instead, just ask a common friend to introduce the two of you.

9. Bragging about yourself:
There is a very thin line between telling her about your achievements and bragging about them. Women hate braggers. They find them stupid and annoying. Instead, just tell her about yourself. As far as your achievements are concerned, let her find them out herself. She will appreciate your modesty.

10. Showering her with gifts:
Big mistake! It is the signature of a person plagued by insecurity and foolishness. When you do this; you are indirectly sending her the message saying that, you are so insecure about yourself and hence you need to buy gifts in order to get her attracted to you. You may look like a desperate person, trying so hard to get into a relationship.

These are some of the most common mistakes that men tend to repeat over and over again, but in different ways. Avoid these mistakes to have a happy relationship.


Language                Translation
--------                -----------
afrikaans               Ek het jou liefe
afrikaans               Ek is lief vir jou
alsacien                Ich hoan dich gear
amharic                 Afekrishalehou
arabic                  Ana Behibak (to a male)
arabic                  Ana Behibek (to a female)
arabic                  Ib'n hebbak.
arabic                  Ana Ba-heb-bak
arabic                  nhebuk
arabic                  OHIBOKE    male to female
arabic                  OHIBOKA    female to male
arabic                  OHIBOKOMA  male or female to two males or two
arabic                  NOHIBOKE   more than one male or female to female
arabic                  NOHIBOKA   m.t.o.m. or f. to male
arabic                  NOHIBOKOMA m.t.o.m. or f. to two males or two
arabic                  NOHIBOKOM  m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two males
arabic                  NOHIBOKON  m.t.o.m. or f. to more than two
arabic                  (not standard)
arabic                  BAHIBAK    female to male
arabic                  BAHIBIK    male to female
arabic                  BENHIBAK   more than one male or female to male
arabic                  BENHIBIK   m.t.o.m. or f. to female
arabic                  BENHIBKOM  m.t.o.m. or f. to more than one male
assamese                Moi tomak bhal pau
basc                    Nere Maitea
batak                   Holong rohangku di ho
bavarian                I mog di narrisch gern
bengali                 Ami tomAy bhAlobAshi
bengali                 Ami tomake bhalobashi.
berber                  Lakh tirikh
bicol                   Namumutan ta ka
bolivian Quechua        qanta munani
bulgarian               Obicham te
burmese                 chit pa de
cambodian               Bon sro lanh oon
cambodian               kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
canadian French         Sh'teme  (spoken, sounds like this)
cantonese               Ngo oi ney
catalan                 T'estim   (mallorcan)
catalan                 T'estim molt (I love you a lot)
catalan                 T'estime  (valencian)
catalan                 T'estimo  (catalonian)
cebuano                 Gihigugma ko ikaw.
chickasaw               chiholloli   (first "i" nasalized)
chinese                 Wo ie ni
corsican                Ti tengu cara (to female)
corsican                Ti tengu caru (to male)
croatian                LJUBim te
czech                   miluji te
czech                   MILUJU TE! (colloquial form)
danish                  Jeg elsker dig
dutch                   Ik hou van jou
dutch                   Ik ben verliefd op je
ecuador Quechua         canda munani
esperanto               Mi amas vin
estonian                Mina armastan sind
estonian                Ma armastan sind
farsi                   Tora dust midaram
farsi                   Asheghetam
farsi (Persian)         doostat dAram
filipino                Mahal ka ta
filipino                Iniibig Kita
finnish                 Mina" rakastan sinua
flemish                 Ik zie oe geerne
french                  Je t'aime
friesian                Ik hald fan dei
gaelic                  Ta gra agam ort
galego (galicia)        querote (or) amote
german                  Ich liebe Dich
greek                   s' agapo
greek (old)             (Ego) philo su (ego is only needed for emphasis)
gujrati                 Hoon tane pyar karoochhoon.
hausa                   Ina sonki
hebrew                  Ani ohev otach       (male to female)
hebrew                  Ani ohev otcha       (male to male)
hebrew                  Ani ohevet otach     (female to female)
hebrew                  Ani ohevet otcha     (female to male)
hindi                   Mai tumse pyar karta hoo
hokkien                 Wa ai lu
hopi                    Nu' umi unangwa'ta
hungarian               Szeretlek
hungarian               Szeretlek te'ged
icelandic               Eg elska thig
indonesian              Saja kasih saudari
indonesian              Saya Cinta Kamu
indonesian              Saya cinta padamu
indonesian              Aku cinta padamu
irish                   taim i' ngra leat
italian                 ti amo (if it's a relationship/lover/spouse)
italian                 ti voglio bene (if it's a friend, or relative)
japanese                Kimi o ai shiteru
japanese                Watakushi-wa anata-wo ai shimasu
javanese                Kulo tresno
kannada                 Naanu Ninnanu Preethisuthene
kannada                 Naanu Ninnanu Mohisuthene
kiswahili               Nakupenda
klingon                 qabang
klingon                 qaparHa' (depends where in the galaxy you are)
korean                  Tangsinul sarang ha yo
korean                  Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
korean                  No-rul sarang hae (man to woman in casual
korean                  Tangshin-ul sarang hae-yo
korean                  Tangshin-i cho-a-yo (i like you, in a romantic
kurdish                 Ez te hezdikhem (?)
lao                     Koi muk jao
latin                   Te amo
latin                   Vos amo
latin (old)             (Ego) amo te (ego, for emphasis)
latvian                 Es milu tevi (Pronounced "Ess tevy meeloo")
lingala                 Nalingi yo
lisbon lingo            gramo-te bue', chavalinha
lithuanian              TAVE MYLIU (ta-ve mee-lyu)
lojban                  mi do prami
luo                     Aheri
macedonian              SAKAM TE!
madrid lingo            Me molas, tronca
malay                   Saya cintamu
malay                   Saya sayangmu
malay/Indonesian        Aku sayang enkow
malay/Indonesian        Sayah Chantikan Awah
malayalam               Njyaan Ninne' Preetikyunnu
malayalam               Njyaan Ninne' Mohikyunnu.
mandarin                Wo ai ni
marathi                 me tujhashi prem karto (male to female)
marathi                 me tujhashi prem karte (female to male)
mohawk                  Konoronhkwa
navaho                  Ayor anosh'ni
ndebele                 Niyakutanda
norwegian               Eg elskar deg  (Nynorsk)
norwegian               Jeg elsker deg (Bokmaal) (pronouncedyai elske
osetian                 Aez dae warzyn
persian                 Tora dost daram
polish                  Kocham Cie
polish                  Ja cie kocham
portuguese              Amo-te
portuguese (brazilian)  Eu te amo
punjabi                 Mai taunu pyar karda.
romanian                Te iu besc
russian                 Ya vas liubliu
russian                 ya liubliu tebia
russian                 ya tebia liubliu
russian                 Ya polyubeel tebya.
scot Gaelic             Tha gra\dh agam ort
serbian                 LUBim te.
serbocroatian           volim te
shona                   Ndinokuda
sinhalese               Mama oyata adarei
sioux                   Techihhila
slovak                  lubim ta
slovene                 ljubim te
spanish                 Te quiero
spanish                 Te amo
srilankan               Mama Oyata Arderyi
swahili                 Naku penda (followed by the person's name)
swedish                 Jag a"lskar dig
swiss-German            Ch'ha di ga"rn
syrian/Lebanes          BHEBBEK (to a female)
syrian/Lebanes          BHEBBAK (to a male)
tagalog                 Mahal kita
tamil                   Ni yaanai kaadli karen     (You love me)
tamil                   n^An unnaik kAthalikkinREn (I love you)
tcheque                 MILUJI TE^
telugu                  Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
telugu/india            Nenu Ninnu Premistunnanu
thai                    Ch'an Rak Khun
thai                    Phom Rak Khun
tunisian                Ha eh bak                     *
turkish                 Seni seviyo*rum     (o* means o)
ukrainian               ja tebe koKHAju  (real true love)
ukrainian               ja vas koKHAju
ukrainian               ja pokoKHAv tebe
ukrainian               ja pokoKHAv vas
urdu                    Mujhe tumse mohabbat hai
vietnamese              Em ye^u anh   (woman to man)
vietnamese              Toi yeu em
vietnamese              Anh ye^u em   (man to woman)
vlaams                  Ik hue van ye
vulcan                  Wani ra yana ro aisha
welsh                   'Rwy'n dy garu di.
welsh                   Yr wyf i yn dy garu di (chwi)
yiddish                 Ich libe dich
yiddish                 Ich han dich lib
yugoslavian             Ya te volim
zazi                    Ezhele hezdege (sp?)
zuni                    Tom ho' ichema
zulu                    Ngiyakuthanda!


Love is indeed a tough business and it's very hard to make a girl fall in love with you. Love is much more intense and involves deep feelings and emotions. Girls normally tend to be highly demanding when it comes to the issue of love. Girls are always looking for that perfect one who would love her and keep her happy for the rest of her life. You can make a girl fall in love with you if you become all that she desires and wants in a man. Read on to find out how you can make a girl fall in love with you and achieve desired results.

Fake it till you make it- Well it's a dirty way to make a girl fall in love with you but it sure does work. Try to get into a personality which almost every girl would love and admire. Become someone they would love to be with. The best way is to surround yourself as many females as possible and be the one and only they would love to be with. When you become a rare commodity you would find more girls falling in love with you than ever before.

Appeal right to her heart- Yes we all know there is a big connection between heart and love therefore the best way to make a girl fall in love with you is to appeal right to her heart. Now by this it means appeal to her emotions and get her to involve her emotions. If a girl feels emotionally attached to you than your job of making her falling in love with you is half done.

Be the one who clicks- Girls are always looking out for males who are the so called ones and with whom girls can spend the rest of their lives with. So how to become this one and only who would click? The best way to do this is to be everything and have every ingredient which a girl would expect in her man whom she would love.

Be the prince charming- Every girl expects that a prince charming would come into their life some day who would love them with all his heart. Life is not much of a fairy tale but girls do want it to be that way. The best way to make girls fall in love with you is to become that very prince charming that they expect. Whenever you spend time with her make it the best time of her life and make her enjoy your company. Girls normally tend to fall in love with guys whom they feel comfortable and safe around.

The Best Position for Making Love

Let me say here and now, without shame or blush, that I like the missionary position. Making love while lying on my back with my husband on top is familiar, comfortable. It's the meat loaf and mashed potatoes of the sex manual. If you're hungry, it fills you up; if you're tired, you can still manage a morsel. Beluga caviar it ain't, but like a Quarter Pounder with cheese, you know how it's going to look, how it's going to taste and how long it will take to eat. And if you want to make it fancy, you can always add fries and a salad. 

At one time the missionary position was sex. As a kid, if I read about sex or glimpsed a love scene on TV before my parents switched channels, that was the position the couple was in — the man on top, the woman gazing up at him adoringly. But then came the '70s. The hemlines went down and women went up. Indeed, woman-on-top was virtually compulsory, and anyone who didn't have a sexual repertoire to rival the Kama Sutra had to hang her head in shame. Feminists and sex experts united in the view that the missionary position made a woman passive and subservient to her man. And no wonder we didn't always climax — in that position the clitoris probably wasn't stimulated, and neither was the G-spot! 

Overnight, lying on your back was OUT. If you wanted to be cool and empowered, you had to get out from under and take control, or throw away your chances of the Big O forever. But are we having more or better orgasms with the wealth of positions we've cricked our necks and twisted our limbs to get into? Has our athleticism and improvisation improved the quality of our lovemaking?