Flirting is a playful, romantic or sexual overture by one person to another subtly indicating an interest in a deeper relationship with the other person, and can involve verbal communication as well as body language.

Flirting success is often achieved through the eyes. Use your peepers to send off desirous stares. You can set a woman’s heart pitter-pattering with a few lusty, lingering or playful stares. When passing by a girl you’re interested in, stare at her for a couple of seconds and slowly turn then smile as you begin turning away. She’ll get the hint.
There’s nothing unattractive about a guy who knows what he wants and chases it. In showing you’re not scared, you leave the impression of being confident. Feel free to compliment a lady and let her know your thoughts. It won’t just brighten her day, she’ll realize right away that you’re into her.
Posture and position reveal plenty. Stick the chest out and arch the back. When chatting up a member of the opposite sex, maintain a standing distance not exceeding two feet. This way you’re closer than normal, but not so much that it’s encroaching on her space.
Keep the body’s position open all the time. Avoid placing hands inside pants pockets and crossing the arms. To check if she digs you, take a step backwards about one foot and wait if she will follow. Don’t get your hopes up if she doesn’t move closer.
There’s no harm in lightly touching her arm or shoulder during conversation. However, things could go either way here so be extra careful and practice good judgment when contemplating touching. Exercise restraint when doing this, otherwise you risk scaring the girl away.
Actually, if your body language sent out all the right messages, what you’ll say ceases to be a huge issue. The talk shouldn’t be too heavy to be enjoyable so keep it light. Still, you’d be best served by focusing on beguiling and complimenting her appearance. Flattery is also possible via praises given of her professional or academic performance, all the while making sure your body is communicating the rest of the body signals.

Flirting is the subconscious body ‘reflection’ realized with the help of body language. Flirting tips are the visual revelations of our mind expressed in a sexual way. Flirting deals with sexuality but is realized through the mind and unconscious emotional motivations. Flirting tips help us to express ourselves in different situations. And dating is just one of the possible ones.
Flirting makes us feel free and behave in a natural way to find the right partner. It works in a way as, when we want to open the door, we need the right key. Just the same we have here. Flirting tips are these keys for the right door. In fact, signs of flirting contain emotional, cognitive, sexual, cultural, and social conventions. They can be different for men and for women if different countries and in various social moments, as disco club, bar, theatre, cinema, restaurant, or your friend’s house party. Just you should know what you want when flirting and make sure that the signals of flirting convey what you mean in its essence. You also need to separate sexually flirting (when you are looking for your partner) from friendly flirting (that can be explained as the signs of friendship or your good mood and positive thinking.)
Anyway, reading (or ‘scanning’) flirting signs is a very important skill. According to the psychologists, men are supposed to be worse ‘flirting tips readers’ than women. But women also tend to misread and misinterpret men flirting. Besides, scanning flirting tips needs some ‘theoretical approach’, this is a natural process controlled and ruled by your heart (and subconscious mind reactions.) So, how not to misread these signs?
Women flirting are defined as rather simple but emotionally constant and strong. For example, if your feel that someone from the women group is ‘analyzing’ you, you feel the eyes on your body, be sure that this woman is flirting with you. Repeated eye-contacts can signalize on flirting too. Women are like wild cats in their flirting tips. They can wait as long as necessary to scan their ‘love victims.’ They can demonstrate their passionate feeling with smiling and positive emotions. Smiling is one of the women flirting tips.
When woman first gives you a look all over from head to toe and then nods with approval and flash you with the most winning smile—all this means women flirting. In fact, women flirting are supposed to be genuine, lucid, vivid, and smiling. They often speak in a polite manner making the moment of speech sweet. Hence, when you see that she is checking you out totally, keeping on looking right at you, trying to look her best for you—just be sure that flirting tips are on the road to your heart.
What is more, you can understand women flirting if you see the lady in very bright colours or, for instance, with extremely bright lips. The psychologists say, ‘Carry something to get you noticed and you will run the show!’ This means the lady wants to have your attention and maybe love. Noticeable things make women charming and ‘centric.’ One of the parts of women flirting is any sort of special accessories on their clothes that work as attention-catchers. To sum up, if you see a woman smiling and watching you in bright or just special (effective) clothes (or you feel special perfume aroma); be sure that this means something more than bright clothes. These are the signs of flirting.
To some extent, men flirting considered to be more direct and less complicated in interpretations. Some experts say that men are notoriously bad at interpreting flirting tips from women. However, sex sometimes is not the only desired goal. No doubts that men are much more activity orientated whereas women like to talk about emotions. But love comes to everyone.
Flirting tips are like another linguistic system you can use to modify expressions which seem to be rude or not concrete. Signs of flirting surprisingly give your body (and to your brains through the body) even more information than you are supposed to believe. Women should be attentively accurate with men flirting. If men change their voice and whisper, it means they flirt. If a man goes round you (when you are in a group of girlfriends), pay attention! On the other hand, some men when flirting want to make a charismatic impression—they want to play a role of the gangster or the macho to get your complete attention and affectation.

Sometimes, we can hear that women are structured to cheat. This means that there is a kind of infernal power inside women that moves them to behave in this way. Women infernal beauty makes men be like silly boys (even if they have wives and children). This stereotype is constructed in many European and American country. In the eastern countries, we know that according to the local traditions women are not allowed to show their beauty to other men except for the family. So, speaking in a global way, women beauty is considered to have some magic patterns that can destroy family life. Even more than that. As we know from the world history, women were supposed to be witched in the Middle Ages and later.
As the world thinkers say, all these explanations were created by men to demonstrate their prudence and ‘virginity’. Men cannot cheat, but cheating comes from women side. Women make men be so weak and silly. These cultural masks and stereotypes have been used by men community for many centuries. And the feministic twist and gender studies destroyed it paying attention that men wanted to protect themselves for centuries using this myth. Infernal women nature as a source for women cheating is a male project and male interpretation of women behavior.
Social instability in family life
However, sometimes family life deteriorates. And women infidelity in marriage is a serious problem. Why do women cheat? As we know, family is a small copy of the entire world; it is like a small community that can be compared with the all world. Family life is based on some social rules and conventions. If we have a kind of social instability in the world, then this me be resulted in strikes, riots, or wars. The same processes occur in family. If a husband cannot support his family, if he is rejected from the social position of his social status is poor, then his wife has to find any solution. Women are more structured to think about children and family. So, lack of financial support pushes women to find another ‘sponsor’ for her and her children. Women make all possible to organize the stability even in the not authorized manner. This, of course, provokes women infidelity in marriage. In fact, women prostitution is also supposed to be a form of living on. Women decide to ‘sell’ their bodies to be able to find any financial benefit for their parents (who are old and weak) or children (when the husband leaves a family without any financial perspective.)
Psychological misunderstanding
Psychological atmosphere in the family is one of the most important factors that guarantee tolerance, fidelity, and happiness between people. Of course, in the dating period people do not think in a strategic way. They just fall in love, and strong feeling seems to be the only way of connection. In family life, love may be not so volcanic and hurricane but people need to find a suitable case for staying together. Psychological balance is a key factor in such situation. It means that people must rely on each other; they must behave taking into account other’s preferences. When she is sleeping and you need to go—do it in a silent way. When you are tired and she asks you to repair something in the room—try to find a compromise not to become a victim of permanent strikes and family battles. Aggressiveness provokes family separation. In this way, when the psychological atmosphere is not positive and the temperature of family quarrels is beyond any measure, then cheating is the only way to have the mental balance inside you. Women become shy and they behave in a modest way. They do not cry and do not break the lovely vases or plates. Sometimes, this situates when women find someone else who understands their inner psychological world. Sexuality is the only sphere of connection between woman and her lover which helps people not to talk about constant family problems and necessities.
Sexual disconnections 
Of course, sexual harmony is also an important factor that annihilates women cheating. Some women have strong sexual desires and some have modest sexuality. In different ages, this proportion may change. Sexual disorders in family life lead to stresses and aggressive and intolerant atmosphere. Why do women cheat? Because they want someone whose sexuality is mighty equivalent. Some women need a macho-lover who realizes all sexual ‘phantasms.’ Disproportion in sexual energies in the family life, as the sexologists say, becomes a serious problem these days. People live in a constant haste, aridity, and disenchantment. In this way, when a husband comes come deeply at night after long business conferences and talks, what ne needs is a natural sleep. But if your husband is a head of the company, this may cause a problem that provokes women infidelity in marriage. In commuter families, women can live too far from their husbands. Not all women are ready to accept this game. Or perhaps it seems that they can but in the end commuter families become destroyed as a result of women infidelity and cheating when men struggle for business interests.
In the end…
In this way, finally, we can see that women infidelity in marriage is a commonly spread phenomenon in the contemporary world based on different social, psychological, and sexual disorders and misunderstandings. Why do women cheat? Because they cannot find family harmony and they cannot realize their potential desires and roles (in social sphere or sex). The reasons may be different and unexpected. This article spotlights just several points according to the world statistics of women cheating motivations.

Reasons men cheat could be really different and significant. To some extent man cheating has become a social myth multiplied by media. All the answers on this question that are circulating in media could be defined as these: men are not ready to have commitments; men no longer feel satisfied/stimulated in their current relationship and are too cowardly to end the relationship; men are concerned about their financial/living situation if they end the relationship, but do not feel fulfilled in it; men like various sex partners; men need to feel desired and their partner does not fulfill that need; men are single-minded and don’t think about the consequences of their actions; guys cheat because many of them increasingly feel powerless in a society that is giving women more rights and powers in the domestic spheres; having sex with more than one woman is an ego boost for those with low self-esteem.
All these factors say that even married men cheat and lie. They are supposed to cheat sexually, psychologically, and socially.
The experts say that men crave sexual “variety” to survive psychologically. This is a key point in men cheating. We need to be aware that men live in their masculine society and follow its rules. For example, when all/some man’s friends cheat or his colleagues in the office cheat, this provokes a man to start cheating also. Our surrounding and our background make us think in this or that way.
Sometimes, even ladies want a man to cheat. But this is rather possible and acceptable when that man is ‘free.’ However, this could make a big problem if the man has a family. Women flirting with men orient them to behave in a tricky cheating way. For some ladies it gives a new challenge and driver.
Why do men cheat on women or girlfriends? It happens quiet often because girlfriends also want to be partners in this game of cheating. To psychology experts, cheating is a play, a game based on competence and partnership. But this game could have a drastic final remarks for the wife and children, because man cheating provokes conflicts in the family. What is more, it creates the atmosphere of unfaithfulness.
Women love man who are outgoing and communicative. On the other hand, these men are supposed to cheat much more often. Especially when after a ten-year family life that want to have something new because their wife is not so energetic and beautiful as she was. Men like to play is fire, this instinct is in their mind, blood, and bones.
In American and European cultures, we have such a social model of masculine behavior called ‘machismo.’ This means that the cultural frames make a young man behave as a macho. Men are supposed to be strong to be able to defend their families. But strongmen sometimes are not family defenders but egocentric guys who want to demonstrate their unique muscles and bright personality to gain a social goal. And women could be featured just like a goal, a target and not a family partner. If a man accepts these rules and he behaves as macho, then he could have all social and sexual benefits. You know that these days sex does not belong to something sacred in the society and it is not an in-family asset.
Men who are ‘macho’ could have sex, power, and money, they can play a role of celebrities. Al this makes a conclusion that such a simple psychological problem as men cheating has deep roots in culture matrices. Men are the victims of the media, and media dictate that you always need to be cool and independent. This means that cheating is one of the possible ways to be a ‘bad boy’ who has benefits from ‘free’ ladies.
Anyway, the problem roots could be much easier sometimes. Men cheat because they want to have their life like a permanent fiesta. They want to have a festive atmosphere of burlesque. It happens very often when a wife also works hard and she cannot create this atmosphere of lovely happiness. She can come home also in the evening and want to have a peaceful time with her darling. This psychological disconnection may provoke family conflicts and men cheating. But men should take into account that family life is based on mutual understanding, or else it is not reasonable to have a family life. So if one part of the family experiences any difficulty then the second partner needs to provide a kind of emotional support.
Why married men cheat and lie? Answers can be significantly different. Some men do not understand and share family values. It is also possible that these men experiences something negative when they were young. Maybe their parents were divorced and father cheated. In this case, family happy is based on wife’s psychological masterpiece. She has to explain the family rules without any pressure and ‘dictatorship.’ Men cheating is connected with the level of wife’s cleverness and her ability to stop the cheating instinct. Family is based on mutual understanding of a couple in love. And for people who love cheating is very harmful. Only sincere relations and family tolerance can avoid men cheating.

1 Give & Take- Most flirting tactics can be broken down into giving her something and then taking that something away from her. This is a way to trigger her emotions. When you give somebody something that they like they usually want it back again.

You: You have such nice soft smooth hands. I could hold them all day long.
Her: (Smiling)
You wait for 3 minutes.
You: Your hands aren’t as nice to hold as they were a few minutes ago. I take everything back. It gets old after awhile.
Her: Hey! (Reaches for you hand to hold it again)

2 Compliment Her- You have probably tried to compliment a woman before. It works great when you do it right. Flattery is at its best when it feels like you really appreciate her. Most guys get this wrong. They often compliment a woman in a way that makes her think that he is desperate. Try looking for something in her that makes her the great person she thinks that she really is. “Your freckles really turn me on.”

3 Lead- Women love the feeling of being swept off their feet. Its the sort of thing they read about in those romance novels and the things that they fantasize about. You can give her that sort of a feeling by using your leadership abilities. One of the best places to start is psychically. Use your touch to show her that you will initiate and lead physical contact. To do this right off the bat try holding onto her hand too long when you shake hands.

4 Use Curiosity- One of the things people can’t resist is their own curiosity. Ask yourself how you can make her curious.

“There is something very intriguing about you…”

She then will want to know what it is that you find intriguing about her. You can play with this in allot of different ways and reword it in many different ways.

5 Demonstrate Interest- A woman needs to know in that moment you are interested in her and not just any woman. This shows her that you are picky, have standards, and that she has met those standards. This make her feel special and she will know that you have picked her. With all that banter you should be asking her some questions about herself and get to know her. The idea is to mix things up so it still seems playful.
Flirting Tips for Women

Give clear signals

Men are notoriously bad at interpreting signals from women. Know what you want when you flirt and make sure your signals are clear and that they convey what you mean. It’s not fair to flirt with someone for the fun of it – unless they are obviously flirty themselves. Flirting for fun is fine when you know someone a little better. If you genuinely want to meet people then by all means flirt, just make sure you know how to separate the sexual flirting signals from the 'hi, I'm friendly' flirting signals.
Great States are catching
People love being around charismatic people because they spread good feelings. Get yourself into the right state for flirting and go for it. Feel good about yourself and others will feel good about you.
Carry something to get you noticed [Susan Rabin calls this a flirting prop]
If you want someone to approach you, be sure to wear or carry something that is eye-catching and noticeable to you. You will be surprised how much easier it is to go up to someone and ask a question about their prop.
Separate yourself from your friends
If you go out with a group of friends or even one girlfriend, make sure you separate from them so that you are more approachable. No man wants to be rejected in front of a group of women, and he may well feel he cannot approach you when you are ‘protected’ by a herd of other women!
Check your voice
Does your voice sound like a dental drill or do you wash people in waves of sensual sound?
If you are not interested, be polite when rejecting a man
‘Get lost nerd’ is NOT the way to say NO. Men who approach women may do so clumsily sometimes. If you are not interested, make it clear and be polite. It can be very difficult to get up the courage to approach a woman. Refuse someone in the way you would appreciate being turned down yourself. If you are sure someone is NOT for you you can say ‘I am sure you will find someone who is right for you, but I am sorry I don’t think it’s me. Remember that even if this person is not for you, they may have friend potential and who knows that benefits that can bring!! And now a short pause for a commercial break!
Cut down the talk about yourself and ask him open ended questions. Find out about him – after all people generally enjoy talking about themselves and feel flattered when someone shows an interest in them. This also gives him the cue that you like to know a bit about someone before exchanging numbers or accepting a date.
Ask him what he enjoys doing
Women and men often tend to fall back on the line ‘What do you do’? To some men, this can smack of ‘checking for wallet-padding’. Alternatively Not everyone is doing the work they love, YET and the question may put them on the spot. Men are much more activity orientated whereas women like to talk about emotions. Asking them what they enjoy doing in their life will allow find out more about what makes them tick.
If you give out your number, give the genuine one
Carry a personal or business card to hand out. This way you know that when you give out your phone number you either give out the genuine one or not at all. Imagine what it must feel like plucking up the courage to dial a woman’s number only to find it is the local Chinese take-away.
Make the first move!
95% of men I talked to said they would love to be approached by a woman. If women are looking for equality then it is only fair that they do their share of the asking. It will also give you an opportunity to understand what men have to go through when making a first approach.
And finally:
Be yourself.
It’s no point in assuming a role you think someone wants you to play because you’ll get found out sooner or later. Be proud of who you are and if you aren’t YET sure how you are at your best, you might want to do some work on it. There are plenty of courses and self-help books out there.
Flirting Tips for Men
Know what you want and what is reasonable to expect
Some men flirt with women primarily to get sex. However, if you put aside that outcome and flirt just to be friendly you are opening yourself to different opportunities. You may well end up with a new lover but if that doesn’t work out you could meet someone who becomes a good friend and who knows who she might introduce you to. Keep your options open.
Make sure your hair is clean and your body and breath smell good.
You don’t have to douse yourself in after-shave, just take care of personal hygiene at the basic level. As like seeks like, dirty unwashed people will end up with dirty unwashed people! Fine if it suits you but if you are looking for something else……
great States are catching
People love being around charismatic people because they seem to spread good feelings. Get yourself into the right state for flirting and go for it. The Flirting Weekend is designed to teach you how to feel good about yourself so that others will feel good about you.
When you buy a woman a drink, that is all you are buying
Don’t expect her to fall at your feet. Sometimes it is nice just to send someone a drink, watch when they receive it and smile, then look away – look back again later to show your interest. Don’t try to get a woman drunk – isn’t it preferable to have someone like you genuinely not because their senses are obliterated by alcohol.   And think twice if you think you HAVE to buy a drink to impress.
Don’t do the rounds of a group of women
No woman wants to feel like second best. Refrain from approaching one after another in the same group. You look like a loser and the women may think you are desperate – any port in a storm Even if you are, don’t show it.
Concentrate on the conversation, not on getting a date.
Most women want to know what kind of person they are going out with. Make an effort to get to know her before diving in for a date
Give GENUINE compliments
There’s nothing worse than someone giving out a load of overblown lines. Everyone has something great about them, notice that and compliment them genuinely.
Keep your hands to yourself and respect their space
There are some people I call space invaders. Even when engaging in a casual chat they just seem to get too close. Some women have no objection to ‘touchy feely’ encounters, others are horrified by it. Respect the person until you have sussed out more about her. Touching can be a lovely flirty action, but should be confined to the arms or resting the hand just above the arms and NOT touching, until you know more. Test the personal space by moving closer, noticing the reactions then moving back a little to remove the threat
If you ask for a phone number, be sure you want to use it
Flirting and meeting people is NOT about trophy hunting it is about making new connections and having fun. If you don't intend to use the number, don't ask. There’s nothing worse than giving out a phone number and not having someone call. If you asked for it, use it .
Keep your self respect.
Women always fall for men who are that little bit unreachable.   Don't hover or grovel or be desperate.   Think of yourself as special and know what you deserve.
And finally:
Be yourself. It’s no point in assuming a role you think someone wants you to play because you’ll get found out sooner or later. Be proud of who you are and if you aren’t YET sure how you are at your best, you might want to do some work on it. There are plenty of courses and self-help books out there.